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Field Trip: The Mesozoic of the Durango Area


Date:  Saturday April 15th  

Leaders: Drs. Gary Gianniny and David Gonzales, Fort Lewis College

Price: $25 for Active, Associate, Honorary & Emeritus members, students free

Limit: 23 total (18 Professional Members, 5 Students)

Registration opens:  Online March 17th, 9am.  Links will appear below at that time.


This is a one-day trip looking at the Triassic Chinle (Dolores) Fm. through the Cretaceous McDermott Fm. (a.k.a. the Purple Cliffs).  As we travel from the lower Animas Valley south to Bodo Park we look at a section that spans the period between the breakup of Pangea to the Laramide Orogeny;  a journey from near-equatorial to middle latitudes, from arid to humid climates and from west-flowing to east-flowing river systems.  This was a transition from stability within the interior of a supercontinent to a position marginal to an interior seaway in a foreland basin, inboard of an active subduction zone and overthrust belt. How were these regional events recorded here? Join us as Fort Lewis College Professors Gary Gianniny and David Gonzales explain the sedimentologic and tectonic signature of the Mesozoic in Durango, Colorado.

For more information open this pdf: Mesozoic of Durango

Click here to register starting March 17th at 9am. Register by your membership type. Once the limits are reached registration will shut down and you will be redirected to use the link to the waiting list form.

Link for professional member registration: https://form.jotform.com/230686866334163

Link for student member registration:   https://form.jotform.com/230687033585158

Link to waiting list (all members): https://form.jotform.com/230686782853166