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Float Trip! The Chama River, New Mexico

Note: This trip is being run in association with the Fort Lewis on the Water (FLOW) program. Transportation from FLC and back, all meals, guidebook, rafting gear, guides and some camping equipment are included in the trip price.

Dates:  July 21st – 23rd

Leaders: Dr. Paul Bauer and Matthew Zimmerer, NMBGMR

Price: $750 members / $780 non-members

Limit: 13 participants

Registration opens:  April 21st at 8:00a.m. ONLINE ONLY. SEE LINK BELOW

Register by your membership type. Once the limits are reached registration will shut down and you will be redirected to use the link to the waiting list form.

Link to Chama Float Trip Registration Form:


 Link to Chama Float Trip Waiting List Form:


Cancellation: Full refund if cancel by June 20th.

Drop Dead Date:    Trip will be cancelled if not filled by July 1st.


The Chama River, in northwestern New Mexico, is a tributary of the Rio Grande, flowing south from headwaters in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado to Abiquiu, then east around the Jemez volcanics into the Rio Grande rift zone. This trip runs from below the El Vado dam through a designated Wild and Scenic River section to the Big Eddy take-out above Abiquiu Reservoir. The exposed geologic section on this stretch is entirely Mesozoic, cutting down from the Cretaceous, Dakota Sandstone to the Triassic, upper Chinle Formation as we travel south. This trip will be led by several geologists from the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (NMBGMR), who published a new geologic river guidebook for the Chama in 2021. The guidebook can be found here: https://geoinfo.nmt.edu/publications/search/home.cfml?StartRow=1&index=geoinfo-pubs&Title=The+Rio+Chama&submit=+Find+Publications

For more information open this pdf: Chama float trip