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Tuesday, Sep 17 – How lava flows: A Hawaiian perspective: Kathy Cashman, University of Oregon

SPEAKER:           Dr. Kathy Cashman, University of Oregon.

TITLE:                  How Lava Flows: A Hawaiian Perspective

DATE:                  Tuesday, September 17th

LOCATION:        Fort Lewis College, Student Union Building, Vallecito room.

TIME:                  5:30-6:30 dinner & drinks, 6:30-7:30 society business and presentation.

COST:                  $25pp / Sponsored students free (talk to Dr. Gonzales)

ABSTRACT: Lava flows are an iconic manifestation of volcanic activity. They also provide a natural laboratory to study an active volcanic process. Persistent lava flow activity from 1983-2018 provided unprecedented opportunities to observe, measure and analyze lava flows. Technological innovations over the same time period provided increasingly detailed observations of lava flow behavior


Here is the link to reserve spaces at the meeting: https://form.jotform.com/240926885399072