Geology and Minerals of the Harding Pegmatite Mine, Dixon N.M.
Dr David Gonzales, Trip Leader
Apr 11th and 12th, 2020
We will be joining Dr Gonzales’ GEOL 210 Petrology class. This will be a two-day trip, leaving Durango Saturday morning (April 11th), overnight in Taos and returning Sunday afternoon by 5pm. The Harding pegmatite is located about 15 miles southwest of Taos, New Mexico. It is a great example of a complex pegmatite that was mined between 1930-1950 for Lithium and Beryllium. It is a fun location to collect rocks and minerals. Easy hiking. We will also stop at the Pilar Cliffs just south of Taos to examine an excellent exposure of a staurolite-garnet schist and at the Rio Grande Gorge to view the Tertiary Servilleta flood basalts of the Taos Plateau.
Itinerary: Meet in the FLC Stadium Parking Lot, north of the Football Field (where Bicycle Team trailers are parked) at 7:15am April 11 and leave by 7:45. We will drive to the rest stop at Echo Amphitheater just north of Ghost Ranch – then commence directly to the Harding Mine where we should arrive around noon. We will stay in Taos on Saturday night. On Sunday morning we will leave by 8:30am to explore Proterozoic metamorphic rocks and Tertiary flood basalts exposed in the Rio Grande gorge area. We will return to Durango by 5 pm.
Number of Participants: 20 FCGS participants will join 15 Petrology students and Staff.
Transportation: Carpool in 4 or 5 Personal Vehicles from FLC campus.
Meals: Lunch buffet included both days, Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast on your own. Please bring refillable water bottles.
Handouts: PDF files of references and brief descriptions of stops will be distributed to participants by April 3. Must be a member to participate. To Join FCGS: Click Here to Become a Member
Registration: Opens March 13 through the Four Corners Geological Society website.
Cancellation Deadline for refund is March 27th
For More information Click Here to contact Jim Corken or David Schiowitz.