FLC Geology major poster session (5-7 pm, Student Union Ballroom)
Fort Lewis College Geology majors will be presenting their senior thesis projects from 5-7 PM in the Student Union Ballroom (Along with dozens of other majors!). FCGS attendees are invited and encouraged to come find the students to see the results of their hard work. Here is a list of students and speakers:
Chandler La Duke – Water in the Desert: Stratigraphic Architecture, aquifer heterogeneity, and arsenic in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone near Comb Ridge, Southeastern Utah
Alex Tresler – The Hermosa Cliffs of SW Colorado: An analysis of mass wasting mechanisms and hazards
Justin Smith – Sizzling Sowbelly: A Microprobe Analysis of the Sowbelly Agate
Carly Koppe – Discharge interactions and controls on the ribbon of green: relating discharge to woody riparian vegetation type, San Juan river SE Utah
FCGS Speaker (6:30 – 7:30 pm, Student Union Vallecito Room)
Dr. Chris Heine, retired Exxon-Mobil and current FCGS President-Elect will give a talk titled, The Geology behind the Archaeology. Mada’in Saleh KSA & Petra, Jordan. (Best known to the public from the exciting Holy Grail scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade).