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Upcoming Events

Tuesday, Sep 17 – How lava flows: A Hawaiian perspective: Kathy Cashman, University of Oregon

SPEAKER:           Dr. Kathy Cashman, University of Oregon. TITLE:                  How Lava Flows: A Hawaiian Perspective DATE:                  Tuesday, September 17th LOCATION:        Fort Lewis College, Student Union Building, Vallecito room. TIME:                  5:30-6:30 dinner & drinks, 6:30-7:30 society business and presentation. COST:                  $25pp / Sponsored students free (talk to Dr. Gonzales) ABSTRACT: Lava flows are an iconic manifestation of […]

Sep 22 – Field trip to the La Plata Mountains

Field trip to the La Plata Mountains, led by Dr. David Gonzales (Fort Lewis College). More information coming soon! LEADER:  Dr. David Gonzales, Fort Lewis College COORDINATOR:  Jim Corken DATE:  Sunday, September 22nd. TIME:  Meet 8:30 a.m. in DoubleTree parking lot. Form carpools. Leave at 9am. Return by 5:00 p.m. TRANSPORTATION:  5 carpool vehicles. Drivers […]