
Please fill out this form to become a member or renew your membership.
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Membership Categories:

ACTIVE MEMBER - Any person engaged in the practice or teaching of geology and who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in geological science. Degree requirement may be waived if applicant has adequate professional experience.

ASSOCIATE MEMBER - Any person who is a graduate of a college with major studies related to, or associated with, geology. Degree requirement may be waived if applicant has adequate professional experience.

STUDENT MEMBER - Any undergraduate or graduate student majoring in geology.

EMERITUS MEMBER - An Active Member of 65 years old or older who has been a member for 25 years including time spent in military service.

HONORARY MEMBER - An Active Member who has contributed distinguished service to the profession of geology and to the betterment of the FCGS. Determination is made by the FCGS Executive Committee.
Price: $30.00
Price: $30.00
Price: $0.00
If you are a STUDENT, list College/University and year expected to graduate.
Price: $0.00
If you are an EMERITUS member, list year emeritus status awarded.
Price: $0.00
If you are a HONORARY member, list year honorarium status awarded.
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OR download a pdf version to renew your membership and mail to the address at the top.