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Publications of the Society: 1952 to 2010

This disc contains all publications of the Four Corners Geological Society (FCGS) from 1952 to 1997. All are out of print in hard copy except the volumes we currently sell on our website. Many contain classic papers on the geology of the Four Corners region. Much of the emphasis, but not all, is on exploration for oil and gas. 20 publications in all.


Table of Contents

  1. Geological Symposium of the Four Corners Region (1952)
  2. Geology of parts of Paradox, Black Mesa, & San Juan Basins, Four Corners field conference (1955)
  3. Geology of southwestern San Juan Basin, second field conference (1957)
  4. Isopachous relations and probable warping during Late Pennsylvanian time in the Aneth area, San Juan County, Utah: Bulletin No. 1 (1959)
  5. Geology of the Paradox Basin fold and fault belt, third field conference (1960)
  6. Shelf carbonates of the Paradox basin, fourth field conference (1963)
  7. Durango-Silverton guidebook (1964)
  8. Field trip road log: northeastern Paradox Basin salt anticline area (1967)
  9. Geology and natural history of the Powell Centennial River Expedition [Grand Canyon], fifth field conference (1969)
  10. Geology of Canyonlands and Cataract canyon, Cataract Canyon river expedition, sixth field conference (1971)
  11. Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks of the southern Colorado Plateau: Memoir (1973)
  12. Geology of the canyons of the San Juan River: A river runner’s guide, seventh field conference (1973)
  13. Canyonlands country, eighth field conference (1975)
  14. Oil and gas fields of the Four Corners area, Volume 1 (1978)
  15. Oil and gas fields of the Four Corners area, Volume 2 (1978)
  16. Permian: A field symposium, ninth field conference (1979)
  17. Oil and gas fields of the Four Corners area, Volume 3 (1983)
  18. Paleotectonics — San Juan Mountain, Dolores Formation — Paleosols and depositional systems, Jurassic depositional systems-San Juan Basin, Quaternary deposits and soils — Durango area [field trip guidebook] (1984)
  19. Geology of Cataract Canyon and vicinity, tenth field conference (1987)
  20. Natural fracture systems in the southern Rockies (1997)